Charina Natalia Herrera

- Cohort: Fall 2020
- Advisor: Márquez
Charina Natalia Herrera is a first year student in the Department of African American Studies PhD program. She graduated from Rhode Island College with a BA in Africana Studies. Her senior thesis, “Negra detrás de la oreja, y en la cara también,” examined the intersections of public memory and racial identity formation in the Dominican Republic in order to elucidate the forgetting and remembering of slavery, specifically through public school social science textbooks. At the root of her work, she aims to complicate geo-political-spatial influences on blackness and haunting.
Research Interests:
Black thought, critical race theory, racial identity, ontology, public memory, pedagogy of slavery, resistance, slavery, maroonage, theories of violence, Black anger and afro-latinx studies.