Isaac Ginsberg Miller
M.A. in African American Studies, Northwestern University, 2018
M.F.A. in Creative Writing (Poetry), New York University, 2016
B.A. in Comparative Ethnic Studies and Interdisciplinary Studies, UC Berkeley, 2010

- Cohort: Fall 2016
- Advisor: Nash
Research Interests:
African American and African Diasporic Literature; Black Writing Collectives; Poetry and Poetics; Aesthetics and Politics; Black Social Movements; Cultural Studies; Black Feminist Thought; Canon Formation; Post-Civil Rights Black Politics; Critical Theory; the Culture Wars
2022, Poet-in-Residence, Chicago Poetry Center
2020, Mellon Sawyer Seminar Dissertation Fellowship, Northwestern University
2018, Northwestern University—SSRC Dissertation Proposal Development Program Fellowship
2018, Hans E. Panofsky Pre-dissertation Research Award, Program of African Studies, Northwestern University
2018, Winner, The Sow’s Ear Poetry Review Chapbook Contest
2018, Richard Iton Award for Outstanding Second Year Paper, Department of African American Studies, Northwestern University
2018, Ragdale Foundation Writing Residency
2018, Center for African American History Research Grant, Northwestern University
2017, Buffett Institute for Global Studies Graduate Student Dissertation Research Award, Northwestern University
2017, Can Serrat Writing Residency
2016, Interdisciplinary Cluster Fellowship in Poetry and Poetics, Northwestern University
2016, Blue Mountain Center Writing Residency
2015, Goldwater Hospital Writing Workshop Fellowship, New York University
2014, Callaloo Creative Writing Workshop Fellowship
Review of Pepper Seed by Malika Booker and Kingdom of Gravity by Nick Makoha. Chicago Review, 62.1-3 (2019): 370-375.
“Poetry Is Not a Country Club: Reflecting on ‘The Change,’” Callaloo: A Journal of African Diaspora Arts and Letters, 40.3 (2017): 75-97.
“Place-Branding Detroit: Beloved Community or Big Society?” Berkeley Journal of Sociology, 60 (2016): 6-16.
“Imagining Better Gods: An Interview with Danez Smith,” Public Books. January 2016. Web.
“In the Same Breath: The Racial Politics of The Best American Poetry 2014,” The American Poetry Review, 44.2 (2015): 15-17——Reprinted in Critical Creative Writing: Essential Readings on the Writer’s Craft. Ed. Janelle Adsit. London: Bloomsbury Academic (2018): 105-114.
“Is A Change Gonna Come?” To Light A Fire: 20 Years with the InsideOut Literary Arts Project. Eds. Terry Blackhawk and Peter Markus. Detroit: Wayne State University Press (2015): 97-102.
“Me and the D: (Re)Imagining Literacy and Detroit's Future,” co-authored with Danielle Filipiak, English Journal, 103.5 (2014): 59-66.