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José A. Madrid

B.A. in American Literature & Culture, Minor in African American Studies, Minor in Gender Studies, UCLA, December 2017

Curriculum Vitae

Research Interests:

Racial Capitalism; Neoliberalism; Carceral Geographies; Militarism; Imperialism; Anti-Colonial Thought; Epistemologies of Black and Brown Insurgency; Politics of Aesthetics; Youth Counter-Culture; Critical Gang Studies; U.S. Urban Public Schools


(2024) International Conference Travel Grant, Buffet Institute for Global Affairs

(2024) Conference Travel Grant, The Graduate School

(2023-24) Graduate Fellowship, Council for Race and Ethnic Studies

(2022-23) Transformative Justice Research Grant, Council for Race and Ethnic Studies

(2022) Conference Travel Grant, The Graduate School

(2021) Richard Iton Award for Outstanding Second-Year Paper: “‘The Wrath of the Armed People’: Armed Self-Defense, Gun Control, and the Proliferation of Domestic Warfare during the Black Power Era.” Department of African-American Studies.

(2019) Mellon Cluster Fellowship in Rhetoric and Public Culture, Northwestern University